Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Sumopaint web app resource

Sumopaint is an app that you can use alternatively for some design assignments, when you are outside of the computer lab and don't have access to Photoshop.  It will not allow you to save the final Photoshop document (.psd) that you need to submit via email, but you can cut out parts of pictures, and use this tool to practice some of the techniques shown in class.

SUMOPAINT WEB APP Interface - Source url - http://www.sumopaint.com/images/sumo/sumopaint.jpg


Welcome to Mr. Webb's Graphic Design Class at Crenshaw High School.
This is a Career Technical Education course designed to introduce you to the skills, applications, and thinking required in commercial art industries that utilize visual communications, graphic art, and digital design methods.

In this class we use computers, digital cameras and other tools to take apart photographs to make new pictures.  We'll remove people from photos, change backgrounds, duplicate objects, correct color, and make original illustrations. You will practice drawing digitally, using Wacom Tablets and scanning line art drawn on paper.  We will also deal with a number of projects to give you insight as to the processes used in sub-genres of design, such as industrial design (developing product forms), environment design (developing spaces for people to traverse), character design for animation, and others.
Source url  - http://imgs.mi9.com/uploads/fine-art/4096/creative-cg-design-wallpaper-15_1920x1200_69786.jpg
User Interface or User Experience (UX) Design - Source url - http://i.imgur.com/6i2qn.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1348940424113

(1) All of the LAUSD Acceptable Use Policies govern your use of the computers, software and other equipment in this classroom, AND YOUR FIRST ASSIGNMENT IS TO PRINT, READ, SIGN (AND HAVE YOUR PARENT SIGN), AND RETURN THIS FORM.

Click here for the LAUSD Acceptable Use Policy<< (http://achieve.lausd.net/aup) <<

Failure to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy means potentially causing damage our valuable computer equipment, misusing the Internet or campus network, or causing harm to another person (such as through Cyberbullying) and is discouraged through severe penalties, including suspended access to classroom computers and other equipment.

(2) All Crenshaw High School Campus Policies apply in this classroom.  Therefore, although the use of personal technology, including cell phones, may sometimes be permitted for a specific lesson task, the general rule is keep your personal electronic devices put away during class time.

(3) My personal policies generally follow these guidelines:

-  Allow me to teach.
Arrive at class on time.  Excessive tardies will negatively impact your grade, and make it more difficult for you to complete assignments, since they are designed to take full advantage of the entire class period.
Watch & Listen during demonstrations.  Most of the time there will be written and graphic materials that you can refer to while I am doing a demonstration, but please do not carry on a conversation during a demo.  This is a time for you to see the steps (that might also be shown in a video), but you can ask questions to clarify parts and save time searching for other solutions.

-  Be ready to learn.
The first thing every student must do upon entering my class is: sign the attendance sheet, and do the Warm Up activity.
Have your required materials, including access to your email and blog, ready to go & logged in when we start the class!

-  Please support others in learning.
Reach out to help your peers.  In the professional world, sharing your understanding of concepts and procedures with your colleague does two important things: 1.) It increases your comprehension of the thing you're trying to teach, and 2.) It helps the entire team of co-workers perform at a higher level - which means greater skills with less effort.  Helping your peers is encouraged through "caught doing good" extra credit points from me.

Materials to obtain for class include: 1.) a USB Flash Drive, with 8GB capacity or greater; 2.) a Drawing Journal; 3.) a Google Email Account (used exclusively for this class) - including a Gmail, Blogger & Blog, and a Google Drive; and 4.) a DropBox Account.
Excerpt from the Opening Day Orientation slide show - also found at Crenshawhs.org

Students are expected to use their drawing journal every day to take notes and complete drawing practice tasks.
A Google Account is absolutely essential, since you regularly have to submit paperless work by email, and post samples of your finished assignments onto a portfolio blog.

My teacher contact information and grading scale are contained here.  Please also familiarize yourself with these!
Class Syllabus - also found on Crenshawhs.org - CLICK TO ENLARGE & PRINT